The NME reader profile would recommend that the main target audience for the NME Magazine would be read by men that are aged around 20-28. I believe this because the imagery above the text there are images that would depict a young man’s character. E.g. converse, x-box.
People who are working full time are the higher percentage of consumers buying this magazine. NME is also a way that these consumers can escape from their troubles at work; it’s something for them to read in their own time and space.
The brands that are in the reader profile would link in with the working full time percentage because they have the money to buy the latest things and top brands therefore they can buy a magazine that is price around £2.50 that comes out each week .
People who buy this magazine may be in the D-C1 group according to the JICNARS Theory. I believe white males who are aged 20-28 mainly from London would buy this magazine. I get all my theory from the NME reader profile. I believe it to be white males because of the hair care products and the top picture.
By looking at the NME reader profile you can see the type of person that would buy NME. According to the psychographics chart the type of person to buy the NME magazine would be The Aspire /The Explorer because the aspire is a very materialistic person and in the reader profile it was full of name brands. The explorer is very young and that’s what the profile suggest also he seems like he’s up for an adventure.
People who buy this magazine may be in the D-C1 group according to the JICNARS Theory. I believe white males who are aged 20-28 mainly from London would buy this magazine. I get all my theory from the NME reader profile. I believe it to be white males because of the hair care products and the top picture.
By looking at the NME reader profile you can see the type of person that would buy NME. According to the psychographics chart the type of person to buy the NME magazine would be The Aspire /The Explorer because the aspire is a very materialistic person and in the reader profile it was full of name brands. The explorer is very young and that’s what the profile suggest also he seems like he’s up for an adventure.
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