Thursday, 6 December 2012

Target Market Theory -JICNARS *

This chart is used to look at newspaper and magazine circulation. advertisers in newspaper and magazine still use this chart, it divides audience into a potential spending bracket.

Upper middle class eg Successful business or professional
Doctors, Judges, CEO’s, Directors
Middle class, eg Senior Business or professional but not at the top of their business.
Head of departments, Teachers, Managers
White collar lower middle class eg small trade people and non-manual workers.
Receptionist, call centre workers, nurse, firemen
Blue Collar skilled working Class
Factory Workers, electricians, carpenters
Semi-skilled or unskilled manual workers
Retail, gardening ,cab drivers, window cleaners
Those at the lowest levels. Casual workers, people who are dependent on social security
Cleaners café, holding billboards, leaflets

researching and analysing magazine's online

Researching and analysing online
I was looking into magazines that have a digitall version. so that if my magazine was to go that far then i would have some insight into how it should look and the content.

A contents page can tell you a lot about a magazine and who the intended target audience is.  When looking at the online content of Uncut Magazine, I automatically think that its Target Audience is Rockers or people into heavy metal music. Therefore, the reader profile would be someone who likes dark colours, enjoy listening to that type of music also they wouldn’t shop at high street shops maybe charity shops. They would also buy music from record shops.

The website can be more interactive, post links, video and audios whereas the magazine it just words and images. It's also cheaper to read it online than to buy it in a shop its also more accessible you don't have to queue to buy. With an online publication, you can access it at home, at work, or on the move.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Continuation of Target Market Profile


Psychographics is the study of qualities, principles, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles. Psychographic studies of individuals or communities can be valuable in the fields of marketing.

The type of person that would buy the magazine is the mainstream / succeeder type of person, they are the people that think about other rather than themselves also they are more likely to respond to family brands but also their self confident and because a Gospel magazine or not as popular as pop- or rock magazines have to be a bit more confident.



Uses and Gratifications
Uses and Gratifications Theory is a method to understanding why people actively look for in specific media outlets and content for gratification purposes. The theory discusses how users proactively search for media that will not only meet a given need but also enhance awareness, public interactions and diversion.
It assumes that members of the audience are not passive but take an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives.
I want people to be able to learn some things form my magazine e.g. how to become an artist. But I also want young teens that have jobs or study to have some time to escape from things. Its something to take you minds off of things. They could show their friends what there reading and introduce them to there genre. This magazine is there to discover up and coming artists to celebrate the old ones.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

School Magazine Analysis

Research on Gospel Music Magazine

I was researching different gospel magazine to see what had already been produced, some of them looked really old and they were all prompting American Gospel singers. so because there are already older music magazines I want mine to be different to catch the attention of the younger, more urbanised audience.
The Mastheads on all the magazines above are very simple and one colour they all have the word gospel in it which helps the consumer in their genre choice.

Front cover and contents page with flat plans

Mode of Address

Modes of address can be defined as the ways in which relations between addresser and addressee are constructed in a text. There are many different types of modes such in/formal text, colloquial (slang) eg Init, bruv, peng, expletive (swear words).

A colloquialism is an informal expression, that is, an expression not used in formal speech or writing. These type of words may be used in a teen pop magazines, posters and advertisements that maybe trying to attract a younger audience

Expletive words or phrases do not contribute any meaning but is added only to fill out a sentence or a metrical line. This maybe used in rock magazines that are generally for an older audience

In order to correspond, a producer of any text must make some assumptions about the anticipated audience.
Especially in music magazine the pictures and target audience of the magazine influence the choice of mode of address if you have images of cartoon characters then you would try to use less words and make them very simplistic whereas if the images were of very technical computer technology the mode of address would be formal not very simple.

Masthead Research

Front cover and contents page

What does the NME Reader Profile suggest abou the Target audience?

The NME reader profile would recommend that the main target audience for the NME Magazine would be read by men that are aged around 20-28. I believe this because the imagery above the text there are images that would depict a young man’s character. E.g. converse, x-box.

People who are working full time are the higher percentage of consumers buying this magazine. NME is also a way that these consumers can escape from their troubles at work; it’s something for them to read in their own time and space.
The brands that are in the reader profile would link in with the working full time percentage because they have the money to buy the latest things and top brands therefore they can buy a magazine that is price around £2.50 that comes out each week .
People who buy this magazine may be in the D-C1 group according to the JICNARS Theory. I believe white males who are aged 20-28 mainly from London would buy this magazine. I get all my theory from the NME reader profile. I believe it to be white males because of the hair care products and the top picture.

By looking at the NME reader profile you can see the type of person that would buy NME. According to the psychographics chart the type of person to buy the NME magazine would be The Aspire /The Explorer because the aspire is a very materialistic person and  in the reader profile it was full of name brands. The explorer is very young and that’s what the profile suggest also he seems like he’s up for an adventure.

Text manipulation

A list of 5 possible sections/Articles

-Latest Events Free or cheap concerts and festival in different locations in and around London

-How to make it as a Gospel artist -  an introductory step by step guide on how to make it in the industry and how to get the ball rolling.

- National  Gospel youth choir

-Exclusive interviewwith up and coming new band 3 Saintz

-Feature- discovery page views and comments on the genre

Flat plan for school magazines

A flat plan shows where all articles and adverts are laid out, and in what order. It allows total control of the magazine making process avoiding misunderstanding. Without a flat plan, the people making the magazine or any other publication struggle to control, which pages go where.

On my front cover flat plan I wanted a medium close up of a student and a banner that goes diagonally across the students top with says results I also have a big masthead at the top with two cover lines. My flat plan is very simple and basic which is not very good because when it comes to making it I will then have to spend time during production thinking of which colours I want to use which and so forth also if  we were in a magazine company then this could cause confusion with people trying to understand what I actually wanted on my magazine.

On the contents page flat plan I wanted an image of a group of people then a contents page banner underneath. Under that I had a list of all the articles wanted in the magazine. Then at the bottom would be 4 pictures that were the “Pictures of the week “.
Again this flat plan was very simple and could cause people in production to be confused. I need to next time make it more detailed, so that I can clearly convey what I want to have on my contents page.

Overall, I can see what I want to have on my school magazine but other may not, so I next time need to make it more detailed but not to complex.

Original Photography

 This is a medium head shot
This is also a medium shot but its an action shot also

This is a medium long shot of multiple people with this picture i had to postion a light so the picture didint come out dark whereas the picture above i wanted natural light

These are just some of the original images taken by me that I have used for my magazine front cover and my contents page.

Target Audience Profile

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Evaluation of Existing Web Logs

In this chart  I have recorded and evaluated my findings from existing web logs to help me develop my own practice.
This chart should help me with what to do and what not to do also it will help me decide what makes a succesful blog.
Name of Web Log
Purpose and intention of Web Log
What differing media or ICT Techniques (Video, Hyperlinks etc.)are used?
How effectively does the Web Log convey information and engage the consumer?
What areas from this Web Log would you like to employ in your own?
Concrete Loop
Promote urban black people
Promote awareness to the arts
Latest news
Embedded YouTube links
Links to other Blogs
Different fonts, colours and sizes
Clear and concise information
A range of the media and ICT techniques.
Straight to the point information
Keep people updated Celebrating achievements
Latest news

Not very clear
Very jam packed
People do still read because sport is such a hot topic
Make sure my blog’s topic is interesting, so it attracts the majority not minority.
National Geographic Kids
Share thoughts and experiences online
Different fonts, colours and sizes

Different colours help you get around the blog swiftly
The blog is organised

Having comment boxes to make the blog more interactive
S - specific
M - measurable
A - agreed upon
R - realistic
T - time-based

1.Use a range of media and ICT techniques- by doing this it will ensure that my blog is interesting and it will keep the readers engaged. Also it shows that  I have those ICT and media skills.
2.Choose a interesting  blog topic- if I decide to choose a blog topic that a very small amount of people are interested in then my blog wont get as many hits as I would like but if its a very popular and talked about subject then that will bring a bigger audience.
3.The presentation and structure of blog- I would perfer if my blog is organised and in order. If the blog looks presentable then it will be easier for readers to read the blog.

My S.M.A.R.T targets will help my blog be a success

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


I want to find a suitable type face for my school magazine, so in the website I searched fonts with a name associated with school or education.  There are a couple of screen shot above of the results I got back from searching words like school, teacher and education. I believe I got lucky and found an appropriate font by using this technique to search for a type face design. I wouldn’t suggest everybody using this because it limits the amount of fonts you can find especially if you search something that is rare or not very popular.


I gathered these Fonts from a website called
These fonts I believe would look good and be appropriate for the front of a school magazine cover.

Typography is the skill and method of arranging type in order to make language visible. The arrangement of type involves the selection of typefaces, point size, line length  adjusting the spaces between groups of letters and adjusting the space between pairs of letters
Typography uses typefaces and the whitespace around and through them to create a whole design.

Typefaces and Fonts: Typefaces are a family of fonts (such as Helvetica Regular, Helvetica Italic, Helvetica Black, and Helvetica Bold). Fonts are one weight or style within that family (such as Helvetica Bold).

Spacing Around Letters

There are several adjustments that can be made between and around letters that affect typography.
  • kerning - space between individual letters
  • tracking - space between groups of letters
  • leading - space between lines of type
  • measure - the length of lines of text
  • alignment - placing text to the left, right, centered or justified

  • ligatures - letters moved close together so that their anatomies are combined

Analysis of existing Magazine cover

This is the analysis of a magazine cover, Elle.
The arrows just point out the essentials for a magazine cover. eg Masthead, cover picture, pull quote and main cover line.



Hey All
I'm Talia and I'm 16. I curently attend La Swap Sixth Form and I study AS Media.
I see adverts, read magazines, enjoy digital media and play games almost everyday but I never really understood how they were made. At the age of 14, I took part in a competition called 'I Am Creative'. We were given a series of design briefs to choose from; a Nokia Brief or Fit for life. I chose the Nokia brief. In summary, I won the compettion and won a Nokia phone BUT Nokia were so impressd with my idea they decide to make it into an actual game and put it on Ovi Store. The game is called 'Green Spree' and its about the environment.   (Click to read a article on the game and view a couple of screen shot from Green Spree)

Since then, I have just been drawn into the Media/Creative industry. Since then I received an award for the game in the Hackney Empire and was invited to the Houses of Parliament. 
I have also created a  poster campaign and viral video for Global Handwashing Day 2011.

This poster when to all Primary School's across England and can be downloaded from the global handwashing day website anywhere in the world

 (Click to watch the viral video)
This is why I chose to study A level Media because I love creating posters, magazines and adverts. I have a real passion for this subject. I REALLY want to learn how to use the different software like Photoshop and Indesign.

Apart from Media I also enjoy listening to music. I like all types of music as long as I can dance to it or belt out a note or two. Gospel , Reggae , Bashment , Rnb ....I  LIKE IT ALL.